
Event Dates
06/02/2020, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Executive-Level Reporting in VFA

This will be a continuation of a series of webinars providing guidance on how Colleges can leverage the FCA (facilities condition assessment) data being collected by FCAPX as part of the Province-Wide assessment program.

We are limited to 26 participants so if there are multiple people at your College that want to attend, can you please gather together in a meeting room and use a single login. Once we reach the 26 participants the system will not let anyone else join so please do your best to be on-time. We don’t want anyone to be shut out.

TOPIC:  Executive-Level Reporting
Presented by


Prerequisites:    Users should have attended a previous 1-Day Workshop and/ or have familiarity with VFA Facility


1. Telling the Story
2. When Less Worse is as Good as it Gets
3. Leveraging Your Data
4. How to Visualize Your Data
5. Questions

We have a lot of information to cover so we are hoping that everyone can login between 11:50 and 12:00 so we can get started right at noon.

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