Home Forums Cool Tools & Tips An Easy to Use Screen Recorder

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    • cmcarthur
      Post count: 23

      LICEcap can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF (for viewing in web browsers, etc). If you have a lengthy navigation path for example, and you’d like to share it with someone, record yourself navigating to the destination and then share the Gif video with your coworker so easily using this application.

      Check out the example navigating to Archibus Workplace to see the app in action.

      Please visit this link for the download file and more information. https://www.cockos.com/licecap/

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    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      Thanks for sharing Colleen. I like the demo – is there an option to overlay sound (e.g. provide verbal direction)?

      • cmcarthur
        Post count: 23

        You would need to use a 2nd application to record sound.

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      I just uploaded my 1st sample for another Cool Tool: Scheduling Poll. The capture tool was simple and worked quite well!

    • cmcarthur
      Post count: 23

      thats great to hear!  I love this tool, and the Scheduling Poll is really useful.  thanks

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