Home Forums General Forum RFP or RFT

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    • Robin L Gould
      Post count: 3

      General question

      What do you use for construction projects > than 100k?  RFP or RFT.

      Are College purchasing departments moving you away from RFT to RFP for construction projects with fully designed and specified projects by a consultant, to enable evaluation criteria for contractors to be scored and negotiation on pricing?

      Do you used prequalified vendors only for RFP or RFT?






    • Christian PrudHomme
      Post count: 18

      Hello Robin,

      We at Loyalist, for project over $100,000 will do an RFP, the majority (almost all) stipulated price if we have a full tender package with Drawings and Specs.  We do not pre-qualified vendors.

      Hope this helps.


    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      Hi Robin,

      I asked our Projects & Construction Manager and she replied:

      Policy at Fanshawe for construction over $100k is to post publicly.

      We complete Request for Supplier Qualification every 3 years to create a VOR list (see attached), construction is maximum $20M to use VOR list, others will be posted publicly.


      Contracts are awarded on price, Not subjective criteria. Bid documents are either Fanshawe internal short form or run with Prime

      Consultant as CCDC2 or CCDC5B bid with full specifications.


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