Home Forums General Forum Space Management Professional – Job Description

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    • BSills
      Post count: 1

      At St. Lawrence College we are considering hiring a space management professional to assist us with space master planning and ongoing space needs. The though is that this person could also provide project management support. It would be appreciated if anyone has a job description for this type of hire. Interested, in where in the FMS org structure this person fits. Thanks. Also, available for a call if that is easier (Beth Sills 613-329-8939)

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by BSills.
      • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by BSills.
    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      Hi Beth,
      I don’t have a specific job description for you but wanted to remind you of the wealth of job descriptions stored in our BoardEffect site.

      You can log into the ‘OCFMA Workroom’, select ‘Library’, then click the ‘Other Files’ hyperlink. The ‘Sample PDF’ folder currently lists ~30 docucments. I see one for Planning..Technologist that may be helpful.

      Good luck. …Rich

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