Home Forums General Forum PD & Events Discussions What are you hoping to get out of this years PD Event

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  • Author
    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      Network with a peerÉ

      Agenda topic

      Share news

    • Spencerwood
      Post count: 17

      Decarbonization ideas and methods

      Networking with peers

    • wrainey
      Post count: 1

      Looking to connect and meet other Facility professionals in the college sector.



      Bill Rainey. Niagara College

    • Phil Rouble
      Post count: 20

      Looking forward to networking with new and former peers.

    • smaynard
      Post count: 1

      Looking forward to meeting colleagues and new learnings from the presentations.

    • Hcolyn
      Post count: 5
      • Connecting with peers in person
      • Learning about other College’s climate action plans and goals
      • enjoying time away from my desk
    • Tom Mussari
      Post count: 2

      We have been experiencing issues filling HVAC technician postings. Has anyone else?

      what have you done to recruit new hires.  ?

    • Jim Huppunen
      Post count: 1


      Learning about space planning successes and challenges. What software is being used to map staff locations?

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      Networking, meeting people in person, learning how things are done at other colleges

      Technical presentations, learning specifics

    • Tom Mussari
      Post count: 2

      I am looking forward to learning HVAC Design & Energy projects

      ie. has anyone installed AC in their welding labs???

    • Kevin Edwards
      Post count: 3

      Meeting new people with similar College planning concerns and seeing how others have worked to get through the issues.

      General Networking


      Kevin Edwards
      Fanshawe College

    • Ivan
      Post count: 4

      Nice to see everyone ! Been too long .
      2 morning presentations were awesome

    • Robin L Gould
      Post count: 3

      I am looking forward to meeting colleagues f2f.

      Learning and sharing information on various topics and hopefully work together for the benefit of our collective institutions.

      Topics of interest

      Energy/Carbon Measurements and Net Zero planning

      HVAC/Control improvement

      Recycling trials and tribulations

      Sustainability initiatives

      Work space utilization & scheduling optimization


    • Hedirahmat
      Post count: 1

      It would be great if the organizers could share the list of colleges that participated in this seminar, as it would benefit all attendees to further explore potential partnerships and exchange knowledge across institutions .

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 67

      Thanks for the great responses – I suspect most of your expectations were met.

      Here is a quick summary:

      • 17 of 50 People responded
      • Popular themes (count)
      1.   Networking 12
      2.   Best Practices 5
      3.   Carbon/ Climate 3
      4.   Presentations 3
      5.   Space Planning 2
      6.   HVAC design 2
      7.   Getting a Break! 1
      8.   Staffing challenges 1
      9.   Facilities software 1
      10.   Fill executive vacancies 1

      We also had a great suggestion from Hedi at Humber to share the list of participants to further promote collaboration (stay tuned!)

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